05 August 2008


One of the things that helps us keep our focus and our footing in life is to uncover and nurture an attitude of gratitude. Celebrate Recovery (www.celebraterecovery.com) is a ministry of healing discipleship that helps people move toward living in this place of thankfulness and surrender. Here are some thoughts about Principle 7 of Celebrate Recovery's 8 Principles ...


Reserve a daily time with God for
self-examination, Bible reading, and prayer
in order to know God and His will for
my life and to gain the power to follow His will.

Why daily? Because we live life daily. Read more about this "Mana Principle" in EXODUS 16.

Why with God? Because God is our source and power.

Why self-examination? Because without honesty there is is no new growth … and without new growth there is stagnation … and with stagnation comes death.

No new growth = stagnation
Stagnation = death
Growth = fresh move of God
Maturity = fresh vision from God

Why Bible reading? Because it’s God’s primary way of speaking to us. If we don’t believe this we’re deluding ourselves and opening ourselves up to be hurt not guarded, lost not guided, and uprooted not grounded.

Why prayer? Because prayer is conversation … and without conversation our life with God grows distant and cold.

Why know God’s will? Because this is the path we’re to walk as His followers. And if we’re not taking on the character of Jesus Christ, we won’t be equipped to live into the will of God with consistency and power.

God’s power? Related to us being in the WORD, be
coming people of prayer, surrender and learning to stop depending on ourselves.

In JOHN 5:15 Jesus Christ says, “Apart from Me you can do nothing." And in PHILIPPIANS 4:13 the Apostle Paul says, “Through Christ Jesus I can do all things.”

To follow God’s will? There’s a very big difference between KNOWING GOD’S WILL and KNOWING AND FOLLOWING GOD’S WILL. Let’s learn to do God’s will, God’s way.

Without LISTENING there is no true SURRENDER.
Without SURRENDER there is no true SACRIFICE.
Without SACRIFICE there is no true WORSHIP.
Without true WORSHIP there is no true VISION.
Without true VISION there is no true POWER.




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